Its a very odd bike that does so many things well and not so well. For one it's crazy fun to ride which makes it not a great choice for passengers without forking out $$$ on a Corbin seat with pillion backrest or getting luggage bla bla bla. Stock seat sucks and the comfort seat is just a bit better IMO. Ergonomics are ok since it's has a somewhat tall riding position and as such corning is just strange at first. Still not a fan.
This bike does not like Hot weather in the mid 90s. Vapor locked twice yesterday and wouldn't start until the 5th or 6th try. Also there is a hesitation that develops in mode 3 from the heat. Weird. Not liking that issue already. And yes Im running 91 ethanol FREE pure gas.
This bike is a beast and great for hooligan riding with wheelies on tap for the asking. The torque is extremely addicting and with some practice very manageable in the twisties with predictable throttle response.
Speaking of throttle response. Mode 2 seems best but still a little aggressive in the lower gears. 1st gear is way to tall and 2nd to short. IMO Yamaha f-ed that up. Why would you do that?
Feels faster then it really is do to the naked nature and crossplank feel. My Zook gsx engine was smooth as butter and you didn't feel the speed on that bike. Plus the small fairing helped for sure. 110mph on the zook feels like 140mph on the MT. Zook must cut the wind way better plus the smooth inline gsx makes a difference in the visceral feel of the speed.
Overall Im happy with the MT for the most part and it's a blast to ride. To be honest here Im not so sure she will be in the garage next summer. Just sayin
Any thoughts, experiences to share or comments welcome.